Illustrations by Lindsay Sisti
Teachings of Judith Hanson Lasater
I created this book after taking Judith Hanson Lasater's Relax and Renew restorative yoga teacher training. It is designed to assist Restorative Yoga teachers and students with the practice, as she teaches it. This book is endorsed by Judith herself, as she currently recommends it to all of her teacher trainees.
Teachings of Judith Hanson Lasater
I created this book after taking Judith Hanson Lasater's Relax and Renew restorative yoga teacher training. It is designed to assist Restorative Yoga teachers and students with the practice, as she teaches it. This book is endorsed by Judith herself, as she currently recommends it to all of her teacher trainees.
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To view which poses are included, take a look at the table of contents:
"I just completed Judith Lasater's Restorative Yoga class and she recommended your Guide---I agreed that it was a great resource after I had the opportunity to see it!"
-JH, Ohio
"I just received the "Restorative Yoga Visual Guide" that you sent. I love it. What a fabulous job you did on these poses! I am very impressed. It is going to be a very big help to me. Thank you for having taken the time to put this guide together. You are very talented in the drawing part as well as in capturing the essence of the poses.
-Helen, New York
"I received my book... FABULOUS!! I am so grateful to you for your talent. It is a great visual guide for the poses we studied. "
-Julie, Indiana